A slight change on the information about the Heather Tartan Ball coming up on November 5: we are leading PARTICIPATION DANCING at 6:30 and 9:30. This is not an actual performance. Don’t panic! Have some shoes you can dance in and be at the venue in time to join in the 6:30 session. We can use all the help we can get! There is always a good turnout for dancing at this event so it should be fun.

Those of you who are coming, we will see you there!

There will be no dance class Monday, October 31st on Halloween! Regularly scheduled classes will begin again at the normal time starting November 7th.

Also, we will be performing at the Heather Tartan Ball on November 5th. Please consult the events calendar to the right → for time, location, and ticketing information.

We will be starting our dance sessions up for the season on Monday September 26th. All are invited to attend. First session is free – $4.00 a night after the first session. We meet most Mondays at the Danish Hall in Enumclaw until the Enumclaw Highland Games in late July.