After nearly a year and a half of no dancing, we are hoping to get together on Monday, September 13 for an informal gathering and ceilidh dance. The event will be from 7:00-9:00pm at the Danish Hall in Enumclaw (1708 Porter St.).  Dancers, family, friends, and other interested people are invited! This event will be free to attend. Cost for subsequent classes will be $5 per person per class.

The hall will have open doors and windows with fans going. We are asking that attendees be prepared to wear a mask, sanitize hands frequently, and keep some social distance when not actually dancing. We are also hoping that most, if not all, will have been vaccinated.

Some snacks will be available, either commercially wrapped or served by one person only. Attendees can bring their own snacks and drinks, also.

Since there are still concerns about the spread of COVID-19 and the delta variant, THE EVENT IS DEPENDENT ON PUBLIC HEALTH GUIDANCE. If we are not confident in everyone’s safety on September 13, we will postpone to a later date. Please watch this website for updates.

Sadly, due to COVID-19, regular Monday night dance classes are still suspended until further notice. When conditions allow, we will resume classes and post the schedule on this website.

We miss you all and hope you are well. We look forward to everyone coming back when it is safe.

Also, please look for the upcoming Virtual Highland Games on July 25 and 26. See our events page for further details.

With great sadness, we announce the recent loss of one of our long-time dancers. Rebecca started with us in our 2006-2007 season and became one of our most hard-working and friendly members. She was always ready to join the dance with a smile. Rebecca rarely missed a Monday night session and was part of our performance groups at the Highland Games in Enumclaw almost every summer.

Dancing at the Enumclaw Highland Games.

Rebecca was willing to study the dances on her own time to make sure she could do her very best for the group and had a very positive attitude. When we needed to move people around in a performance set, she was always flexible and willing to try.

When her husband, Jim, came with her, he helped with the refreshments and joined in the conversations. Jim was a “reluctant” dancer but could be convinced to fill in on an easy dance at the holiday party or ceilidh dancing at the Highland Games, and he enjoyed it in spite of himself. Jim and Rebecca were regulars at the Heather Tartan Ball and Burns Supper each year. The two of them made a lovely couple.

Rebecca and Jim at Burns Supper.

Rebecca also played guitar and sang, often sharing a Christmas carol at our holiday parties.

Rebecca made our group better as a dancer and as a friend. She was quiet, caring, friendly, and we will greatly miss her warm smile.